Seth Barron
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Seth Barron graduated with a Bachelor's in Finance, with a focus in Managerial Finance, from Eastern Kentucky University. He worked for his family's business, then in banking, before joining the Fahe team.
“Fahe’s mission is important to me because growing up in rural Kentucky and doing a lot of work in far Eastern Kentucky, I have seen people feel they have no way out of their poverty. And I want to help provide them the hope that there is a way. I have also seen how those in rural areas often do not receive proper financial education. One of the biggest mindsets I have seen from those in my community back home is that they feel they can only afford to rent a trailer and will never be able to buy a house, even though that is far from the truth.”
As a child, Seth once told a newspaper that he wanted to be a “mountain climbing preacher who swings from vines like Tarzan.” And when asked what superhero he would enjoy spending the day with, he said, “Flash, because that’s who I named my dog after.”